The Sentinel platform is a collection of document distribution, communication, and reporting tools for improving your business continuity.
Unlike other business continuity software, focussed on plan creation, Sentinel is designed to support your business continuity during major disruption events. Our tools offer practical solutions to mobilise your plans, communicate critical information, make key decisions, and more.
Below are a number of ways outling how the Sentinel platform helps you with business continuity practices during an event.
Once converted into digital documents, Sentinel ensures your business continuity plans are accessible anytime, anywhere. Our independent cloud platform is accessible through desktop, tablet, and mobile device - as long as you have signal, you can always access key documents even when internal systems are compromised.
Sentinel also offers mobile app access Android and iPhone devices - giving you the ability to create a local offline-accessible version of your business continuity documents.
Sentinel mass communication functionality lets you create and send business continuity documents to a targetted group of individuals in under 60 seconds.
Mass alerting blasts can be sent to any device via communication channels including email, SMS, chat channels and in-app messaging.
Any changes made to your business continuity plans are instantly available on the Sentinel platform once published.
Push functionality in our mobile app means users automatically download new documents, or update existing ones without having to do anything. So even when offline, you can be confident your team have the most up-to-date information.
Sentinel combines distribution groups and identifty access management features to ensure that documents are sent to, and can only be accessed to by the right people. Keeping critical documents and sensitive information secure.
Create and send templated mass alerts to the whole business - or targetted individuals - in under 60 seconds. Action your business continuity plans and provide critical information on disruption events as they unfold.
Send your alerts to any device via instant messages, push notifications, SMS, email, and programmable voice.
Create secure live chat groups where the business continuity team and key stakeholders can collaborate during critical events. Using instant messaging, the team can communicate in real-time to exchange vital information, problem solve, and make key decisions to maintain business continuity of key working operations.
As an independent platform with mobile access, Sentinel Chat Channels are available anytime, anywhere, even when internal systems are compromised.
Sentinel tracks all activities performed on the platform to create a detailed and accurate record of events for auditing purposes. These records are stored securely in line with GDPR requirements on your independent system.
Activity tracking and built-in reporting functionality lets you create detailed reports at the click of a button for post-event analysis. Discover valuable insight about your response efforts and how they impacted your business continuity efforts.
Explore the effectiveness of communication blasts, analyse who made what decisions and when, or who ignored vital communications. All this information is invaluable in improving future business continuity plans and processes.
Chat Channels
Crisis Simulations
Visitor Alerting
YUDU Publisher