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The Importance Of Virus Scanning At The Point Of Upload | YUDU Sentinel Blog

In today's digital landscape, where cyber threats loom large, ensuring robust cybersecurity practices is essential for companies of all sizes.

One critical aspect of cyber hygiene is virus scanning at the point of upload. Email scanning of attachments is well understood but other channels offer back doors and these include social media platforms such as WhatsApp which are used to communicate between work colleagues.

This blog post explores why virus scanning at this stage is vital for companies, highlighting the benefits it brings in terms of threat detection, prevention, and overall security.

1. Detecting Known Malware and Viruses

Virus scanning at the point of upload enables companies to detect and identify known malware and viruses embedded in files before they enter the organisation's network or systems.

By employing powerful antivirus software, companies can compare uploaded files against an extensive database of known threats, providing immediate alerts and preventing the malicious content from spreading within the infrastructure.

2. Preventing Malicious File Execution

Malware-infected files can wreak havoc once inside a company's network, causing data breaches, system disruptions, and unauthorised access.

By scanning files at the point of upload, organisations can prevent the execution of malicious files altogether. This proactive approach adds an extra layer of defence, safeguarding critical systems and sensitive data from potential compromise.

3. Mitigating Zero-Day Threats

Zero-day threats pose a significant challenge to organisations, as they exploit vulnerabilities that are unknown to software vendors and have no available patches or signatures.

Virus scanning at the point of upload can help identify suspicious files that exhibit potentially malicious behaviour, even if they are not yet recognised as known threats. This proactive detection allows organisations to investigate and respond swiftly, minimising the risk of zero-day attacks.

4. Protecting Against File-Based Attacks

File-based attacks, such as malware-laden email attachments or infected documents, remain prevalent in the cyber threat landscape. By implementing virus scanning at the point of upload, companies can fortify their defences against such attacks.

Scanning files before they enter the network prevents employees from inadvertently downloading or sharing infected files, reducing the chances of successful file-based attacks.

5. Enhancing Overall Network Security

Virus scanning at the point of upload significantly contributes to the overall security posture of a company's network.

By intercepting and eliminating malicious files before they reach internal systems, organisations can mitigate the risk of internal infections, lateral movement, and the potential spread of malware within the network.

This proactive measure ensures that the company's network remains protected, reducing the likelihood of security incidents and subsequent damage.

6. Complying with Regulatory Requirements

Various industry regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), emphasise the importance of data protection and security measures. Virus scanning at the point of upload demonstrates a commitment to implementing necessary security controls, which can help organisations meet compliance requirements and avoid penalties or legal repercussions.

7. Safeguarding Reputation and Trust

A successful cyber attack can have severe consequences beyond financial losses. It can erode customer trust, damage a company's reputation, and result in the loss of business opportunities.

By proactively scanning files at the point of upload, organisations demonstrate their commitment to cybersecurity, fostering a culture of trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders. This helps maintain a positive reputation and instils confidence that sensitive data is handled with the utmost care.


Virus scanning at the point of upload is an essential element of comprehensive cyber hygiene for companies. Backdoors should be mapped and understood.

Staff should be mandated only to use file sharing applications that scan attachments at the point of upload. By implementing this proactive security measure, organisations can detect known threats, prevent the execution of malware-infected files, and mitigate the risks posed by zero-day threats. It enhances network security, protects against file-based attacks, ensures compliance with regulations, and safeguards the company's reputation and trustworthiness.

Embracing virus scanning at the point of upload is a critical step toward fortifying cybersecurity defences and creating a resilient digital environment for businesses in the face of evolving cyber threats.


Richard Stephenson
Written by Richard Stephenson
29 Jan 2024
Richard is the CEO of crisis management software provider YUDU Sentinel. Richard has run public listed companies, mid-market private equity investments and tech start-ups. His professional skills include digital strategy, crisis management, risk and digital document publishing.